I believe God devoted time to make the lady of virtue. Consider the process:
God had to put the man to sleep, perform a "surgical operation" on him to extract an important bone, with no scar or complications... and with this bone, he fashioned the LADY...Wow.....i'm proud to be one.
A LADY WITH A DIFFERENCE, That's the Virtuous Lady....
If you're a lady......maintain your self-worth and become Priceless..
If you're a father....help your daughter to understand and preserve her worth.
If you're a husband......love and care for that woman (your wife), and watch her glow and bring glory to your crown.
If you're a son...respect your mother and sisters, and watch them bring out the best in you.
For the Ladies in the house:
You were made from the rib, a part of the body that is covered, so don't expose your body. Just as the rib supports the pectoral girdle, so does the virtuous woman support those around her.
Just as the rib cage protect the heart,which is the life seat of every human being,so does she protect the hearts around her.
If you're one....a virtuous Lady, don't destroy the hearts around you...be it a husband,son,father,brother or friend. DON'T fall in the category of Jezebel or Delilah.....Be like Esther or Deborah, as said in the bible.
The rib is a bone,strong and firm..... so you're not weak....you're strong enough to achieve your goals.....that which you have set your heart to do.
A Part of the rib (floating rib) seems to be standing out,looking disconnect but it is not.....So, you as a Lady can stand out from the negative norms in the society, making a difference and yet still connected to your world.
For the Single Men in the house:
Hmm....if you're and want to remain a Man of Valor, you need a virtuous lady in your life....and God had to bring her to him at the right time after he had slept.
So,i think you need to sleep... (*smiles*)....so that when you wake up,become rare,your eyes will be clear enough to recognise her when she is brought to you.......for only a rare man can recognise and have her... who knows, she may just be around the corner....
Wow......the world is incomplete without the woman..'cos without her, is like a human being without ribs;
What a wonderful gift to the world....
#Ladies are rare gems#...
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