"And the rib; which the Lord God had taken from MAN,made he a WOMAN, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This now is the bone of my bone, the Flesh of my flesh: she shall be called a woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."Genesis 2:22-24.

In the beginning, Marriage was established to be between a man and a woman. God's standards are sure and firm; and would never change because of any man.

The recent trends in the U.S is a cause for all, especially believers,to stand up and pray earnestly. Why?
An overview of the implications of the law will show an evident,deadly chain reaction that has been triggered.
The law not only allow same sex to marry, but also to adopt children. Now its not just an issue of a perversion of God's  order.. But what breed of children-teenagers-adults would there be in America and other countries that has adopted such law in 15 to 20years to come? In a generation where its not so easy for normal parents (opposite sex marriage) to raise children, What will a child raised by homosexual or lesbian parents be? My projections is nothing but outlaws... Hmmm... Perhaps worse than SODOM and GOMORRAH.

The U.S is a country which had its foundation on God; having the motto: "IN GOD WE TRUST". Looking at its population based on religion:
Christians: 70.6%
Non-Christians: 5.9%
Others( atheists,agnostics,no religion): 23.5%.

With a higher percentage of the people professing Christianity, (although their true practice has been on a decline lately); how did the voice of the minority drown that of the majority?.... Many true believers have neglected the government and focused only on church soul winning and pulpit preaching. Most sensitive spheres of government are headed by these minorities. From media to government, health, Education and Legal sectors.

We need to pray for the believers in America for a revival, God is the supreme judge who has the sovereign power to overrule the Supreme Court's verdict especially in the hearts of men.

We should also pray for Nigeria leadership, Remember they tried before to get Nigeria into it but failed...and now that 11yrs is a suggested age for marriage.. awaiting approval..they would probably try again....

Believers, We need to know that soul winning is not limited to the Church setting. Whichever field of endeavour God has placed you in, as a believer, is your pulpit. Let's Arise and prayerfully, practically and strategically enter these spheres(media, Politics, health, Education and Legal sectors)and others in our world.
We are to be KINGS and PRIESTS. May God help us turn the world Up-Side-Down and stand up for His cause even in this perilous times,AMEN.

Posted via Blogaway

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